About Me

I'm a 27 year-old from Los Angeles, California, with a BA from Tufts University and an MSc in Primate Conservation from Oxford Brookes University. My passion is primates, so I like to spend my time in remote areas traveling, researching, and rehabilitating apes and monkeys! Email me directly at AmandaClaireHarwood@gmail.com Also check out my other blog http://www.AmandaHinArgentina.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We've recently had two baboon deaths as the result of tetanus, so I decided to write a bit about it here.

Tetanus is caused by the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium tetanii and it is found in the soil here, where it enters the body via a wound and proliferates upon the wound closing. The bacteria releases a toxin which attacks the muscles, causing stiffness. The victim is unable to feed himself or move at all and must be constantly under sedation to relieve muscle spasms. Tetanus is fatal unless treated with Tetavax, and usually only 40% survive after painful suffering. Each treatment of a tetanus case costs a minimum of R500, which is actually quite expensive here. I've seen this and it is incredibly sad. Tetanus is a big problem here and I would hate for a baboon I know from the babies to end up like that.

I'm making this public service announcement in case anyone would like to help! Tetavax costs R72 and each baboon needs four shots, and initial dose, a second after a month, a third after another month, and the last after a year. This protects a baboon for 10 years.

Many troops are unprotected against tetanus because due to misinformation, prior to 2007 individuals were given only one shot. Presently all babies that come into the center receive the full course of the vaccination. The large number of individuals not vaccinated and the costs to vaccinate new orphans makes it difficult without help.

CARE has a "Sponsor a Hok" scheme which gives people the chance to sponsor the Tetavax course for a troop or individual baboon. The cost of an individual (a 'one-one' separated in their own hok next to a troop) includes the price of 4 darts (R120 each) as being in a single cage, they are unlikely to be retrieved. The sponsorship of a one-one individual is R768 (just over $100). The cost of sponsoring a troop varies depending on how many baboons make up a troop and includes the cost of one dart for every 5 troop members for each round of Tetavax (ie. 4 darts for every five members), so anywhere from R2000-R8000. There are 24 troops and 78 individuals that are at risk for tetanus and still need Tetavax.

With a sponsorship you will receive a troop profile, listing the individuals with their info and stories. Please help me help the baboons!! Contact me if anyone is interested.


*$1=R6.7 south African rand.

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