About Me

I'm a 27 year-old from Los Angeles, California, with a BA from Tufts University and an MSc in Primate Conservation from Oxford Brookes University. My passion is primates, so I like to spend my time in remote areas traveling, researching, and rehabilitating apes and monkeys! Email me directly at AmandaClaireHarwood@gmail.com Also check out my other blog http://www.AmandaHinArgentina.blogspot.com/

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baboon Conservation Cartoon

Here's a little cartoon that I actually made myself that is part of our larger CrowdFunding video. It is a simplistic representation of the problems baboons face. As their natural habitat is destroyed, due to the building of farms, lodges, and homes, their natural resources diminish. They are forced to search for food in these human-modified environments. People dislike this disturbance by baboons and often use lethal methods to get rid of them, especially since baboons are not protected by any laws.

This is the kind of thing Joselyn and I are working to mitigate! Please donate to and spread the word about our upcoming MSc projects! We're currently at the half-way mark to our goal, and just need a but more support to reach our full goal!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Donate to my Master's thesis research!

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I haven't been doing too much fun monkey stuff (other than studying about them!). I'm soon off to Botswana to conduct my Master's thesis research looking at human-baboon interactions at an eco-tourism lodge in the Okavango Delta. I'm incredibly excited to get back to Africa and start this project which I am very passionate about. Once again, I'll be embarking on an adventure to try and help some baboons. I need your help though to get some funding so I can do this successfully. I need some support for flights, equipment (voice recorder, notebooks, external hard drive for data, etc), and accommodation (I'll be living in a tent on the property). I am partnering with my good friend Joselyn for this project because she is studying similar aspects of humna-baboon interactions in a town in South Africa. Trust me, she's just as dedicated and passionate about baboons as I am!

I know you've all supported my primate goals throughout the years, and I'm calling on that once again! Please go to the link below to watch a video, read a description of my project, and donate to my goal of getting my MSc degree. In exchange for your generous donations, various gifts will be awarded in return depending on the amount donated. Please check those out on the side of the page as an added incentive!

Click below to support my project or copy and paste the link below!

Support my project!
